Selasa, 22 November 2011

"From the Outhouse to the Poorhouse" | by new Staff Writer Ed Palilla.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Written by Ed Palilla, talent network news staff
Twitter @pittsburghace

'talent network news' would like to welcome Ed Palilla as our third new writer to the staff. We present to you "From the Outhouse to the Poorhouse," Ed's weekly dissection of the Hollywood. You can follow Ed on Facebook and Twitter @pittsburghace.

" I found a copy of Adam Sandler's last movie when I finished in the outhouse" 

While watching a Steeler game a few weeks ago, a commercialcame on for yet another atrocious Adam Sandler movie called Jack and Jill. I starting thinking aboutit and asked myself, “when did Adam Sandler stop being funny?” Before you say,“I liked Funny People” or “He hasmade a ton of good movies,” allow me to explain.

Adam Sandler joined Saturday Night Live in 1990 as awriter and was doing skits on the show by 1991. His career on SNL lasted until1995. That grew into a fantastic run of comedy movies (1992-1999): Airheads; Billy Madison; Happy Gilmore;Bulletproof; The Wedding Singer; The Water Boy and Big Daddy.  

After that, Sandler managed to make movies that got progressivelyworse as the years went on (2000 - ): 
Little Nicky; Mr. Deeds; AngerManagement; 50 First Dates; The Longest Yard; Click; I Now Pronounce You Chuck& Larry; You Don’t Mess With the Zohan; Bedtime Stories; Grown Ups; Just GoWith It; and lastly Jack & Jill.

Looking at this research, I came up with the realizationthat Adam Sandler has gone downhill as a comedic actor, beginning in 1999, andI think I’ve found out what happened to him: he might be the most egotisticalperson in Hollywood, and it got worse as the years went on. Look, even whenSandler made funny movies, he had the best at everything:

Madison: Rich.
Gilmore: Hit the ball 400 yards.
Waterboy: Could not be blocked.
Big Daddy: Before you get upset: Iknow that Sandler plays a down on his luck, toll-booth collector. But look atthe end of the movie. One year after the custody hearing, he is a lawyer at afirm in New York?? So he went from toll collector to big-time New York lawyerin 15 months. Again, he went though four years of undergrad, two years of lawschool, passed the bar, did his entry level/intern position and was already asuccessful lawyer in that a time. Please.

It got worse as his movies got worse:
Mr. Deeds: super rich.
The Longest Yard: NFL QB that almostsingle-handedly beats an organized team of guards.
Zohan: he was able to beat up anyonewho touched him.
Chuck & Larry: he was thewomanizer that got five girls at a time.
Grown-ups: he was the millionaireagent in LA married to Salma Hayek, while everyone else was broke.

Take a look at 1999, because that’s when everythingstarted to change. That is when Big Daddywas released and that was Adam Sandler’s last truly funny movie. It is also theyear that Sandler decided to open his Happy Madison production company. I thinkthat once Adam Sandler was in charge of his own company and was the finaldecision maker, he could not get out of his own way. He was now in charge ofevery aspect of his films, including the script and character decisions. If youlook at those movies now, he seems to be very guarded on the hits and jokestaken against his characters. I think since he runs the company, no one wasthere to settle his ego, tell him when something is a bad joke and to stepback.

Could it be that Adam Sandler went from being a verytalented comedic writer and actor, to not funny in a few short years? Could itbe that once he was in charge of his own production and making all thedecisions, nobody would tell him he is not funny anymore, and the bottomdropped out? Someone, somewhere within Happy Madison hadto think “I don’t know if Adam playing himself and his sister will be funny,”but no one is willing to say anything to Sandler. That is why it is his production company.

His best movie, TheWedding Singer, he plays what everyone likes: A regular guy, with no money and a crappy life. That’s comedy,what people will laugh at. Also, look at the best movie made by Happy Madison: Grandma’sBoy. Down on his luck, broke guy has to move in with his grandma because hisroommate has spent all his rent money on Pilipino call girls. Throw in someraunchy jokes and a few people playing the right roles. It is a greatmovie.

Now I understand that Sandler grew up, had kids and choseto gear some of his movies towards them and stop with some of the dirty jokes.That is understandable. But he never has been just a guy with a family and kidsand a job. I think for Adam Sandler to start to get respect back from hisoriginal fans, to be respected in the comic community, he needs to take a newdirection in his next movie. Play a guy who just gets divorced and loses hisjob and his house because of the economy, then moves in with his buddy (Irecommend his real life buddy, Adam Covert), and tries to start his life over. Theguy struggles with getting a job, getting women and being broke (you are goingto need some dirty jokes here. Sorry. This is 2011). Please Adam, for the sakeof comedy, please come back. Just don’t fire me, Mr. Sandler…

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