Jumat, 11 November 2011

Read The Stars | Mars in Virgo and Neptune's Retrograde

November 11, 2011
Posted By - Emma Venezie
Source Credits - Read The Stars

This week on Read The Stars, local astrologer Judi Vitale delves into Neptune's move out of Retrograde and Mars' move into Virgo.

First up - Neptune: "Ask the administration at Penn State - or your friendly neighborhood banker/broker.When Neptune comes out of its retrograde period, the things we thought were safely kept out of the light of truth will suddenly come back to haunt us."

How? Visit Read The Stars'  Neptune Goes Direct - What's Under Your Carpet? to find out.

Judi Vitale also touches on how Mars will be spending a good amount of time in Virgo:

"Mars in Virgo is all about applied and focused effort. Astrologers say Mars is in its "joy" whilst in Virgo, and to some extent that's true. However, if you really love Mars for his passion for life and his ability to savor things to the ultimate degree, you'll probably watch what happens in Virgo and feel a little sorry for him. 

It's terrific that we have a lot of drive and forcefulness while Mars is in Virgo, but what will be lacking is that raw passion we saw in Mars, especially in Aries and Libra. Instead of taking huge chunks of life and chewing on them voraciously, we'll be focused on getting the details taken care of with a sense of urgency, but without that passion for life Mars is so famous for."

Read more atMars in Virgo: Passion For...WORK.

Visit Read The Stars for more.

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