Jumat, 04 November 2011

Read The Stars | Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius and November Horoscopes

November 4, 2011
Posted By - Emma Venezie
Source Credits - Read The Stars

This week - as we move into the month of November - Read The Stars' Judi Vitale touches on Venus and Mercury's move into Sagittarius and, of course, November Horoscopes.

Read The Stars, Astrology, Judi Vitale, Pittsburgh

First up - Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius:

"On Wednesday November 2, both Venus and Mercury moved into the sign of the Centaur-hunter, and the feeling of a fresh surge will be hard to deny for some time to come. Although these two planets run close to the sun, rarely to they move into a new sign on the same day! That could be why this surge of excitement could make an even bigger impact than expected now.

Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius will push us to act fast and do a lot of things at the same time. It's this energy that will allow us to accomplish much during the first part of November…here's a quick description of the kind of news and action each sign can expect, or what kinds of things their respective spurts of frenetic activity will involve."

Check out what your sign will experience with the move and watch the accompanying video on Venus - and Mercury - in Sagittarius - NOW!

Read The Stars' November Horoscopes let us know that
"November is going to go FAST, so put your seatbelts on and keep your eyes on the road. It's important that we get as much done as we can at the beginning of the month, because this is our best chance for getting things done before the world starts to get all crazy again…

Keeping our noses to the grindstone will be easy, at least until November 24th, when Mercury will retrograde until December 13th. Meanwhile, Neptune will move into direct motion and being its last dance through the last section of Aquarius. It will move into Pisces in February and stay there until 2025. Mars shifts from Leo to Virgo on the 10th, allowing us to abandon drama for industry and focus.

The moon's cycles will be intriguing, too. While the full moon on November 10th will be innocuous enough, the new moon on November 25th, just after Mercury's retrograde station, will be an eclipse of the sun. From that time on, we will be making adjustments to changing tides more than directing our energies to our personal and professional goals. More about that in December!"

Read more, including individual horoscopes, and watch the accompanying video on Read The Stars' November Horoscopes. 

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