Written by Ed Palilla, talent network news staff
Twitter @pittsburghace
Photo Sources: Lower Manhattn
What to look forward to in 2012.
After complaining a goodamount about 2011, let’s look at some off the great things going on thisyear, especially in Pittsburgh.
1) Yet another Steelers playoff appearence.
2) The return of Sidney Crosby?
3) The Malkin-Neal-Sullivan line.
4) PittsburghInternational Auto Show at David L. Lawrence Convention Center (Feb 17-20)
Lots of new makes and models from all over the world.
Lots of new makes and models from all over the world.
5) Cityof Pittsburgh Marathon (May 6)
Brings a ton of money into the city. Also, nice to see 25,000 people keeping inshape. I know I am not.
Brings a ton of money into the city. Also, nice to see 25,000 people keeping inshape. I know I am not.
6) PedalPittsburgh (May 22)
The Pittsburgh Marathon’s little cousin. The bike race around the city that hasmany levels of length from 5 miles to 60 miles.
The Pittsburgh Marathon’s little cousin. The bike race around the city that hasmany levels of length from 5 miles to 60 miles.
7) ThreeRivers Arts Festival (June 1-10)
The true beginning of summer to me over Memorial Day. It just doesn’t feelright until I have eaten fair food sausage, pulled pork, stromboli and especiallyfries with cheese, standing at The Point
The true beginning of summer to me over Memorial Day. It just doesn’t feelright until I have eaten fair food sausage, pulled pork, stromboli and especiallyfries with cheese, standing at The Point
8) The PointPark Water Fountain actually working this year????
10) The3 Rivers Regatta
It’s always cool to go up to Mt. Washington or West End Overlook and see all 3rivers just full of boats. Plus Zambelli always puts on a great show for the 4th.
It’s always cool to go up to Mt. Washington or West End Overlook and see all 3rivers just full of boats. Plus Zambelli always puts on a great show for the 4th.
11) Thepossibility of the Pirates being in 1st place in the Central in Julyagain!!!
12) RibFest
Do I really need to say more?
Do I really need to say more?
13) Light-Upnight (Nov 18)
A perennial highlight of the beauty of the Pittsburgh Skyline. The ice rink isPPG place is cool, but my favorite part is the gingerbreadhouse/Santa-around-the-world display on the ground floor of PPG 1.
A perennial highlight of the beauty of the Pittsburgh Skyline. The ice rink isPPG place is cool, but my favorite part is the gingerbreadhouse/Santa-around-the-world display on the ground floor of PPG 1.
Enjoy 2012 and get out to as many of these as you can. Youwon’t regret it.
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